I wonder why when I use decorators or annotations in Typescript on a class. The compiler can't infer the new type of the class. If I don't use decorators and use the old way to do this in ES5 (ie. call manually the decorator) it obviously works.
For instance, here a sample that shows the issue:
function decorate(Target: typeof Base): IExtendedBaseConstructor {
return class extends Target implements IExtendedBase {
public extendedtMethod(): number {
return 3;
interface IBase {
baseMethod(): number;
interface IExtendedBase extends Base {
extendedtMethod(): number;
interface IExtendedBaseConstructor {
new(): IExtendedBase;
class Base implements IBase {
public baseMethod(): number {
return 5;
const test = new Base();
test.baseMethod(); // OK
test.extendedtMethod(); // NOT OK, typescript think, Base is still Base but we decorated it.
With the older way, it works:
class Base implements IBase {
public baseMethod(): number {
return 5;
const ExtendedBase = decorate(Base);
const test = new ExtendedBase();
test.baseMethod(); // OK
test.extendedtMethod(); // OK
Thanks in advance.
Right now this doesn't work. There is a pending issue on github to allow class decorators to change the type of the class.
I would recommend doing the "old way" you mentioned until this is implemented.