I am new to Qt and trying to use QThread in a console application.
environment: Qt Creator 3.6.1; Based on Qt5.6.0 (MSVC2013 32bit); build on Mar 14 2016; revision d502727b2c
What I did is:
Here is my question
First, In the class QtThread I have to implement copy constructor function otherwise, I will have compile error
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xmemory0:657: error: C2280: 'QtThread::QtThread(const QtThread &)': attempting to reference a deleted function
The reason I have to implement copy constructor here, I think, is the base class QThread has destructor ~QThread(). So the compiler will mark copy ctr and move ctr as delete. The derived class does not inherit copy/move ctr from base class.
Three issues regarding this.
In the main function, I use emplace_back(). It seems the compiler is using copy constructor instead move.Why~ (the std::thread is move only, unable to be copied, so the QThread can be copied is a bit strange to me, or maybe I did some wrong but I did not realize)
I can not use keyword default to let the compiler generating a copy ctr for me, why
QtThread(const QtThread &in_thread) = default; // not working, still having compile error C2280
The copy constructor I implemented is not good, it just create another thread and copies the name of the thread, seems not good to me, but I cannot find a better solution. Any suggestions?
The base class QThread does not have a virtual destructor. That seems unusual to me. That means derived class can not implicitly call QThread's destructor. Or maybe I am not supposed to inherit QThread at all?
Here is my code that declaring the QtThread:
#pragma once
#include <QtCore>
#include <QDebug>
#define qtout qDebug()
class QtThread : public QThread
class QtThread : public QThread
explicit QtThread(const QString &in_name);
// This copy constructor create a different thread with same name, bad
QtThread(const QtThread &in_thread) : QThread() { m_name = in_thread.m_name;} // have to implement copy constructor otherwise, the code will have error: C2280 compile error
//error: C2280: 'QtThread::QtThread(const QtThread &)': attempting to reference a deleted function
//QtThread(const QtThread &in_thread) = default;
void run();
QString m_name;
The cpp file
#include "qtthread.h"
QtThread::QtThread(const QString &in_name)
: QThread()
, m_name(in_name)
void QtThread::run()
qtout << "QtThread" << m_name << "start to run";
for(int i = 0; i<1000; i++)
qtout << m_name << ": " << i;
Here is the main function
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "qtthread.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
std::vector<QtThread> ts;
std::for_each(ts.begin(), ts.end(), [](QtThread &t){t.start();});
return a.exec();
Thanks for your time for reading the long post and helping me :)
[Edit 1]
Removed some experimental code from the main function.
Thanks for hyde and cod_fodder made the comments.
There is another detail thing I am wondering. The compiler requires me to overload the copy constructor for QtThread (otherwise compiler throws error CC2280). But what I am trying to do in the main function is move objects into the container. I know when the move operation failed, objects will be copied. In this case, Q_Object is not supposed to be copied, but what is the reason cause the QtThread object unable to be moved?
In the blog woboq.com/blog/qthread-you-were-not-doing-so-wrong.html, it states that when event loop is needed, we could use worker/controller pattern, otherwise inherit QThread is good.