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(Re)rendering Backbone view in change event handler does not work

I'm having two form elements, both 2-way-databinded via backbone.stickit. The second form element (#input) is just cosmetics - there for showing it's actually working.

The idea is that my View gets (re)rendered,every time the option inside the dropdown (#select) menu gets changed.

I'm trying to achieve that by catching the the 'changed' event of #select and call this.render() to (re)render the view.

Apparently that doesn't work. The selected option doesn't get saved back into the model and I fail to understand why.

I'm not looking for a solution, rather than an explanation, why the following code doesn't work. The solution (as in: works for me) is part of the fiddle - commented out.


<script type="text/template" id="tpl">
  <h1>Hello <%= select %></h1>
  <select id="select">
    <%= select %>
  <input type="text" id="input">
    <%= input %>

<div id="ctr"></div>


Foo = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    select: "",
    input: "",
FooView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: '#ctr',
  template: _.template($('#tpl').html()),
  initialize() {
    this.model.bind('change', function() {
      console.log("model change:");
    }, this);
    //this.model.bind('change:select', function() { this.render(); }, this); // <--------------------- WORKS
  render: function() {
    return this;
  events: {
    'change #select': function(ev) {
      console.log('change event triggered:');
      this.render(); // <--------------------- DOES NOT WORK - WHY?
    /* 'click #render': function(ev) {
      console.log('render event triggered:');
    } */
  bindings: {
    '#input': 'input',
    '#select': {
      observe: 'select',
      selectOptions: {
        collection: function() {
          return [{
            value: '1',
            label: 'Foo'
          }, {
            value: '2',
            label: 'Bar'
          }, {
            value: '3',
            label: 'Blub'
new FooView({
  model: new Foo()


  • The reason it does not work to call this.render() from within your change #select event handler is because you are disrupting the two-way data binding that Backbone.stickit is providing you. The flow goes something like the following:

    • User changes the value of '#select'.
    • Your change #select handler fires and calls this.render().
    • render repopulates #ctr with a new select menu with no selected option.
    • Backbone.stickit responds to the change to #select.
    • Backbone.stickit tries to obtain the value of #select, but since it contains no selected option the value is undefined.
    • Backbone.sticket sets the model's select attribute to undefined.

    The reason it works if you move the this.render() call to within the model's change:select handler is because Backbone.stickit is able to correctly update the model without the DOM changing before it gets the chance.