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No write access to $HOME in tmux after logout and login

I am not able to write to files in $HOME (on an Andrew File System) in tmux after logging out and logging in again.

(.lobster)[earth] ~/lobster >touch test
touch: setting times of `test': Permission denied

My problem seems similar to the one described here except that for me, the permissions look fine:

(.lobster)[earth] ~/lobster >ls -ld
drwxr--r-- 7 awoodard campus 2048 Mar 28 15:55 .

I've tried checking KRB5CCNAME outside of tmux and updating it to the same value inside of tmux, to no avail.



  • AFS file system implementations such as OpenAFS and AuriStorFS use AFS tokens for authentication not Kerberos tickets. AFS tokens can be obtained using Kerberos via the aklog command. When executed without parameters aklog will use the Kerberos ticket granting ticket stored in the current Kerberos credential cache to acquire an AFS token for the default workstation cell. The workstation cell can be determined using the fs wscell command.

    host# fs wscell
    This workstation belongs to cell ''

    To determine if you have an AFS token for a cell use the 'tokens' command.

    host# tokens
    Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
    Rxgk Tokens for [Expires Apr 03 12:43]
    User's (AFS ID 103) rxkad tokens for [Expires Apr 03 12:43]

    If you wish to obtain AFS tokens for a cell other than the workstation cell

    host# aklog

    Finally, you can obtain debugging output from aklog with the -d paramenter.

    I hope this helps.