I have an exe which I have opened with PE Explorer Disassembler. Now I can see the asm code, which looks like that:
push ebx
push esi
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,[ebx+38h]
push eax
mov eax,[ebx+3Ch]
push eax
mov ecx,edx
mov eax,ebx
mov edx,[ebx+30h]
mov esi,[eax]
call [esi+7Ch]
or byte ptr [ebx+00000088h],02h
pop esi
pop ebx
I have no idea what that means. Is there a way to convert this now into read-able code (C, C++, C# or VB.NET)?
Background info: The reason why I need this is because I need to call the above function from my windows app. Now this function resides in the third party exe - there is no API or source-code for it. Any help or advice is appreciated.
What you want is called "decompilation".
That is not easy to solve task, and often not possible at all. You might try Google as a start.