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Jaccard distance between tweets

I'm currently trying to measure the Jaccard Distance between tweets in a dataset

This is where the dataset is

I've tried a few things to measure the distance

This is what I have so far

I saved the linked dataset to a file called Tweets.json

json_alldata <- fromJSON(sprintf("[%s]", paste(readLines(file("Tweets.json")),collapse=",")))

Then I converted json_alldata to tweet.features and got rid of the geo column

# get rid of geo column
tweet.features = json_alldata
tweet.features$geo <- NULL

These are what the first two tweets look like

[1] "RT @ItsJennaMarbles: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims. #PrayforBoston"
> tweet.features$text[2]
[1] "RT @NBCSN: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims #PrayforBoston"

First thing I tried was using the method stringdist which is under the stringdist library


#This works?
stringdist(tweet.features$text[1], tweet.features$text[2], method = "jaccard")

When I run that, I get

[1] 0.1621622

I'm not sure that's correct, though. A intersection B = 23, and A union B = 25. The Jaccard distance is A intersection B/A union B -- right? So by my calculation, the Jaccard distance should be 0.92?

So I figured I could do it by sets. Simply calculate intersection and union and divide

This is what I tried

# Jaccard distance is the intersection of A and B divided by the Union of A and B
#create set for First Tweet
A1 <- as.set(tweet.features$text[1])
A2 <- as.set(tweet.features$text[2])

When I try to do intersection, I get this: The output is just list()

 Intersection <- intersect(A1, A2)

When I try Union, I get this:

union(A1, A2)

[1] "RT @ItsJennaMarbles: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims. #PrayforBoston"

[1] "RT @NBCSN: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims #PrayforBoston"

This doesn't seem to be grouping the words into a single set.

I figured I'd be able to divide the intersection by the union. But I guess I would need the program to count the number or words in each set, then do the calculations.

Needless to say, I'm a bit stuck and I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • intersect and union expect vectors (as.set does not exist). I think you want to compare words so you can use strsplit but the way the split is done belongs to you. An example below:

    tweet.features <- list(tweet1="RT @ItsJennaMarbles: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims. #PrayforBoston",
                           tweet2=          "RT @NBCSN: Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims #PrayforBoston")
    jaccard_i <- function(tw1, tw2){
      tw1 <- unlist(strsplit(tw1, " |\\."))
      tw2 <- unlist(strsplit(tw2, " |\\."))
      i <- length(intersect(tw1, tw2))
      u <- length(union(tw1, tw2))
      list(i=i, u=u, j=i/u)
    jaccard_i(tweet.features[[1]], tweet.features[[2]])
    [1] 20
    [1] 23
    [1] 0.8695652

    Is this want you want?

    The strsplit is here done for every space or dot. You may want to refine the split argument from strsplit and replace " |\\." for something more specific (see ?regex).