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How to run a single mocha test written in typescript in WebStorm 2016.1

I setup a mocha "run configuration" for tests written in typescript and "run" command executes perfectly.

But when I choose to run a single test by click the "run ..." popup menu in the "run" window, syntax error occurs.

In the run window, WebStorm execute something like: /usr/local/bin/node /(...)/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --ui bdd --reporter /Applications/(...)/mochaIntellijReporter.js /(...)/my-test.ts --grep "MyTest Basic test$"

It seems that WebStorm passes .ts file instead of the generated .js file to mocha, and thus causes syntax errors.

Any ideas or workarounds?


  • As a workaround, .ts files can be run instead of the generated .js: specify --require ts-node/register in "Extra Mocha options" field (and npm install ts-node).