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How do I tag the current git changeset from inside the Jenkinsfile?

I want to tag the current git changeset and push the tag from inside the Jenkinsfile. If the tag already exists it must be replaced.

I want to use this logic in order to tag the build that passed with the snapshot tag, which would be a mobile tag.

How can I do this?


  • Here is the way I was able to implement this this way, but if you know a better way I am more than willing to hear it.

    stage 'build'
    node {
        repositoryCommiterEmail = ''
        repositoryCommiterUsername = ''
        checkout scm
        sh "echo done"
        if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
            stage 'tagging'
            sh("git config ${repositoryCommiterEmail}")
            sh("git config '${repositoryCommiterUsername}'")
            sh "git remote set-url origin"
            // deletes current snapshot tag
            sh "git tag -d snapshot || true"
            // tags current changeset
            sh "git tag -a snapshot -m \"passed CI\""
            // deletes tag on remote in order not to fail pushing the new one
            sh "git push origin :refs/tags/snapshot"
            // pushes the tags
            sh "git push --tags"