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Facebook login redirect: incomplete url

I'm trying to implement the manual Facebook login flow as described at:

The step where the user signs in and authorizes the app is all good. The problem starts when Facebook redirects to my service (after success login); I can see on the browser's URL bar something like:


But oddly my web service "sees" only:


I think this is caused by "#" symbol just after "?". As a result I cannot get the access_token through query string.

My web service is a Python WSGI-application. And I have tested serving it with both gunicorn and wsgiref.simple_server. I have debugged the WSGI environment dict and I found out that the partial URL is being passed (not the full one with the query params). So it seems to be a problem while the browser delivers the request info to WSGI environment. BTW, I have tested on Chrome and Firefox; and I'm using MacOS X 10.10.5 .

I would appreciate any help with this.



  • The hash part of a URL is a purely client-side construct, it never gets send to the server.

    You either need to capture the access token client-side (JavaScript), or choose the response_type: code in your login dialog call.