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Rails/Rspec JSON integers being converted to strings when testing post call

I am testing a JSON request to our API, It will respond with JSON. It seems like all the integers within the JSON get converted to strings as we post them to the controller consider action.


  def consider
    binding.pry # binding no# 2 used to check the params after post from test.
    if ParametersValidator.is_valid?(params)
      application_handler =
      render json: application_handler.result
      render json: ParametersValidator.failed_params(params).to_json

The ParamaterValidator validates the structure and types of data coming in.


let(:json) { JSON.parse(response.body) }

it 'returns the result in the correct format for the AUTOMATIC APPROVE decision' do
  automatic_approve_params = relative_json_file(relative_file('automatic_approve_params'))
  expected_approve_params = {
    "status" => "accepted",
    "automated" => true,
    "rate" => 6,
    "amount" => 30000,
    "term" => 10,
    "pre_approved_amount" => 2500,
    "comments" => ""
  @request.headers['HTTP_X_AUTH_SIG'] = Rails.application.secrets['authorization']['token']
  request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = 'application/json'

  binding.pry  # binding no# 1 to inspect the params before post

  post :consider, automatic_approve_params, format: :json
  expect(json).to eq(expected_approve_params)

Binding no#1


Binding no#2


The test log is showing that the request is

Processing by Api::V1::CreditApplicationsController#consider as JSON

Inspecting the request just before the post action you will see the params are fine, then in the controller before I run anything I inspect the params and they are all strings.

Using postman to test the API with the JSON works as expected but it seems that rspec when posting to the consider action will convert all the params to strings. I have read a few dozen posts that claim by adding format: :json to the post action it will remedy this, however I have had no such luck.

I am obviously doing something wrong but I have tried pretty much everything I know.


  • After replicating the issue you are having I managed to resolve it in a controller spec using the following:

    post :consider, automatic_approve_params.merge(format: :json)

    In my local tests I removed the request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = 'application/json' and it still worked as you expect it to. Hope it helps.