I have created a binder in rivets.js which binds to multiple attributes of an element from the given model.As I want a single binder for a my model object in JavaScript.
var login = {
test1 : {text:"myData1",color:"myColor1"},
test2 : {text:"myData2",color:"myColor2"}
//My Custom Binder
rivets.binders.customize= function(el, value) {
el.style.color = value.color;
el.text = value.text;
<a rv-customize='login.test1'></a>
I have also binded the login model to UI page which I want the Dom updated as well.
//#myDOM => login
rivets.bind($('#myPage'), {login: login})
And now I use a form with couple of input tags to modify the model which is not in current context, I mean I bind login.test1 to that form separately.
//#myForm => login.test1
rivets.bind($('#myForm'), {model: login.test1})
<input rv-value='model.color' type='text'/>
<input rv-value='model.text' type='text'/>
When I alter the input in above form inputs, the model gets changed and is reflected in login object . But same is not reflected in DOM or UI.
And If I take the same scenario and just bind a single attribute like below the flow works fine and any changes from input to model gets reflected in DOM.
rivets.binders.color = function(el, value) {
el.style.color = value
Am I missing something ? Are such kind of binders with multiple bindings to attributes possible ? Is there any extra configuration I need to do ?
Since you are passing in the parent object of the two properties you are interested in, you would have to use a similar technique as with a computed property, described in the rivets.js manual. Like this:
<a rv-customize='login.test1<test1.text test1.color'></a>
This tells rivets to update your binder when either text or color changes.