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gulp stream does not generate dest files

There is a bug in following gulp stream but I just couldn't find where.

var processors = [autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 version']}),

var myjob = gulp.src(['app/css/normalize.css',
        .pipe(watch('app/css/org.scss', {verbose: true}))
        .pipe(gulpif('*.scss', sass()))

Problem: The dist/org.css is not regenerated

there must be something I'm missing here.


  • The problem is that gulp-concat doesn't push the concatenated org.css file unless it receives an end event from upstream. Since gulp-watch never emits the end event, gulp-concat just hangs indefinitely.

    The solution is to simply replace gulp-concat with gulp-continuous-concat:

    var continuousConcat = require('gulp-continuous-concat');
    var processors = [autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 version']}),
    gulp.task('default', function() {
      return gulp.src(['app/css/normalize.css',
        .pipe(watch('app/css/org.scss', {verbose: true}))
        .pipe(gulpif('*.scss', sass()))