i'm currently upgrading my Gwt 2.7 project to 2.8-beta1 and i'm trying to refactor the Javascript plugin wrapper from JSNI to JsInterop.
Here the JSNI wrapper :
public class MyPlugin extends JavaScriptObject {
protected MyPlugin(){
public static native MyPlugin init(MyPluginConfig config) /*-{
return new $wnd.MyPlugin(config);
public final native void addItem(MyPluginItem item) /*-{
public final native void setEnable(int itemIndex, boolean enable) /*-{
this.setEnable(itemIndex, enable);
What i've tried :
@JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, isNative = true)
public class MyPlugin {
public static native MyPlugin init(MyPluginConfig config);
public native void addItem(MyPluginItem item);
public native void setEnable(int itemIndex, boolean enable);
The problem, i have no idea how to wrap the constructor. In the JsInterop doc
A native @JsType class can only have Public native methods, Public and uninitialized fields, Empty constructor, Final non-native methods that doesn’t override any other methods,
So, this is my question : How to wrap a JavaScript plugin where in the JS the constructor looks like var myPlugin = MyPlugin({option1 : value1, option2 : value2,...});
in JsInterop ?
Thanks for help :)
Ok, i found the solution.
Just declare a constructor with params and empty content :
@JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, isNative = true)
public class MyPlugin {
public MyPlugin(MyPluginConfig config) {} //<--- here
public native void addItem(MyPluginItem item);
public native void setEnable(int itemIndex, boolean enable);
And it works.
Hope it helps other people :)
EDIT : MyPluginConfig structure
MyPluginConfig is just a POJO class.
@JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, isNative = true, name = "Object")
public class MyPluginConfig {
@JsProperty public void setXXXX(String str);
@JsProperty public String getXXXX();