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ng-click does not trigger the function associated with it?

I am having troubles with using ng-click. I have added ng-click directive to the button. It does not trigger the function associated with ng-click. In Angular Batarang tool, it says the functions are undefined.

I tried the problem in Plunker.It does work. And also If i hard code the file path it works.

index.html code

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<HTML ng-app="myEventApp">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <h1 ng-controller="HelloWorldController">{{ helloMessage }}</h1>
            <div ng-controller="EventDetail">
            <div ng-include="" src="fileName"></div>
            <!--<ng-include src="fileName"></ng-include>-->
            <!--<div ng-include="" src="'template/testing10000.html'"></div>-->
            <button ng-click=incrementCounter()>Next</button>
            <button ng-click=decrementCounter()>Back</button>
            <script src="js/app.js"> </script>

app.js code

var app = angular.module("myEventApp", []);

app.controller('HelloWorldController', ['$scope', function($scope){
        $scope.helloMessage = "Book Viewer";

app.controller('EventDetail', ['$scope', function($scope){

        $scope.counter = 0;
        $scope.fileName = 'template/testing1000'+$scope.counter+'.html';

        $scope.incrementCounter = function(){
              $scope.fileName = 'template/testing1000'+$scope.counter+'.html';

        $scope.decrementCounter = function(){
              $scope.fileName = 'template/testing1000'+$scope.counter+'.html';



  • You declared the functions inside the EventDetail controller, but you have the buttons outside of the controller container in the html.

    <div ng-controller="EventDetail">
        <div ng-include="" src="fileName"></div>
        <button ng-click="incrementCounter()">Next</button>
        <button ng-click="decrementCounter()">Back</button>    