To create an application and has built
My app release 1.1 - everything works, statistics comes.
My app released 1.2 - it does not work, the statistics do not come.
When you come on the dashboard
Alert! Sorry, the app could not be located.
An important point:
If you build debug version - it works!
If the release version of the GoogleStore - is not working! (Although version 1.1 of the GoogleStore - works!)
Checked logcat release version:
Logcat: I/Fabric: Initializing Crashlytics
What could be wrong? How to solve this problem?
Thank you!
If you are building a release version and using ProGuard you should add following lines in your ProGuard file:
-keep class com.crashlytics.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.crashlytics.**
This documentation could be useful for you too Dex and ProGuard and Advanced Setup.