How can I convert float
number to timezone?
Facebook breaks the timezone down using float.
timezone float (min: -24) (max: 24)
The person's current timezone offset from UTC
user.timezone = auth.extra.raw_info.timezone
captures a user's timezone location upon signing up via Facebook, for example timezone: -5.0
I want to convert this though to timezone: "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
. A user could then adjust his timezone via <%= f.time_zone_select :timezone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones %>
Potential Solution
t.float "timezone"
t.string "time_zone" # somehow turning it into a string after Facebook sets it?
You can use the ActiveSupport::TimeZone
class pass in the float as your argument.
Disclaimer: Part of the answer comes from the first part of this question, How to get timezone from facebook with omniauth?.
user.timezone = auth.extra.raw_info.timezone
user.time_zone =
You will have to account for times when user.timezone
is nil, or else it will throw errors.