I tried creating a Replication Controller via an JSON file and I have mentioned restartPolicy as "Never" for pod restartPolicy.
but I am getting an error that,
Error: The ReplicationController "ngnix-rc" is invalid. *spec.template.spec.restartPolicy: Unsupported value: "Never": supported values: Always
Is there any change in v1.2 that it supports only "Always" as an option for restartPolicy? I'm confused.
I tried another scenario where I faced a strange behavior. I specified the restart policy as "never" and I got the error as,
Error: The ReplicationController "ngnix-rc" is invalid. *spec.template.spec.restartPolicy: Unsupported value: "never": supported values: Always, OnFailure, Never *spec.template.spec.restartPolicy: Unsupported value: "never": supported values: Always
As found, there are two errors in this scenario. I don't know what is the exact problem.
The JSON file that i used to create RC is given below
To expand on zhb's answer: while different restart policies make sense for single pods, or even for run-to-completion jobs, a replication controller's entire purpose is to keep N instances of a pod running, so saying that you don't want the pods restarted doesn't mesh great with the concept.
The part of the docs that explains this is: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/pod-states/#restartpolicy