How can i post a custom JSON Message with formatting & indented using slack webhook? I am using nodejs app
var Slack = require('slack-node');
var JsonMessage = process.argv[2];
webhookUri = "";
slack = new Slack();
var textmsg = '```' + JsonMessage + '```';
channel: "#status",
username: "Monitor Bot",
icon_emoji: ":ghost:",
text: textmsg
}, function(err, response) {
The above code helps to send the JSON but it is not in formatted one. It comes as a string. I would like to have the JSON indented.
Thank you.
Your JsonMessage
argument is just a string, therefore it is sent as such to slack. I'd suggest sending it through JSON.parse
to convert it into native JavaScript objects. You can then send it through a formatter to format it properly for you. e.g.
var formatter = ('format-json');
var formattedJson = formatter.plain(JSON.parse(JsonMessage));