I copy/paste this code form another page on my website. On the first page everything works just fine, somehow it doesn't on the second page...
I'm trying to create a custom radio button function. The page shows images (loaded from my database, using mysqli_fetch_array). The user can click on these images. Once the user clicks on an image, I want javascript to apply another class to this image. If the user clicks another image, I want to restore the class of the first image and apply the class to the latest clicked image.
What I have:
$('.bedragbol').click(function() {
var bedragid = $(this).data("bedragid");
document.getElementById("kosten").value = bedragid;
<table width="100%">
<? while($rows_bedrag=mysqli_fetch_array($sql_bedrag,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){ ?>
<td class="img_programmaker_dag">
<img src="../images/<? echo $rows_bedrag['url']; ?>.png" data-bedragid="<? echo $rows_bedrag['id']; ?>" class="bedragbol">
<font class="txt_programmaker_dag">
<? echo $rows_bedrag['omschrijving']; ?>
<? } ?>
<input type="text" id="kosten" name="kosten">
I've added the input field to see if the function is working. The value's updated everytime I click the image. This works fine. Just the css part is not working like it should. Right now it does apply a class when clicked, it just doesn't remove all siblings when another image's clicked. It keeps the selected class. So if I click all images, all images keep their selected class.
What am I missing? What do I need to adjust to remove the class to all siblings, except for the one that's clicked?
try this code if you are not using .bedragbol
class in any other element
$('.bedragbol').click(function() {
var bedragid = $(this).data("bedragid");
document.getElementById("kosten").value = bedragid;
Otherwise try this
$('.bedragbol').click(function() {
var bedragid = $(this).data("bedragid");
document.getElementById("kosten").value = bedragid;