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Module Slick Carousel Drupal 7 - View option X carousel - fullwidth : change style width of slide

All is in the title.

I can't find how to configure the width of the slides.

<div class="slick__slide slide slide--5 slide--grid slick-slide slick-cloned slick-active" data-slick-index="-1" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="-1" style="width: 263px;"> 

The config on admin/configuration/media/slick doesn't affect the size of the slides.

Any help ?


  • The solution is the configuration of number of slide to show (Administration/Configuration/Media/Slick carousel>>list>>settings>>Slides to show)

    But in Administration/Configuration/Media/Slick carousel I couldn't access first to the entire configuration (trouble with slick admin CSS) unless in the tab UI I disabled the option "Enable Slick admin CSS". And also I used the settings X carousel of the slick example.