If I have the following matrix of 5x5 lets say
{ , , T , , }
{ , T , T , , }
{ , , T , , }
{ , T, , , }
{T, , , , }
and I have to check if the char in a matrix is diagonal to another one, I am checking them in the following way,
public boolean isDiagonal(int row,int col){
if (row == board.length-1 && board[row-1][col+1] == 'T') {
return true;
} else if (col == board.length -1 && board[row+1][col-1] == 'T') {
return true;
} else if (board[row][col] == 'T' && board[row+1][col+1] == 'T' ||
board[row][col] == 'T' && board[row-1][col-1] == 'T') {
return true;
} else if (board[row][col] == 'T' && board[row-1][col+1] == 'T' ||
board[row][col] == 'T' && board[row+1][col-1] == 'T') {
return true;
return false;
The char T is randomly being assigned on the board. I need to check while placing the char T if there exists another T diagonally to it.
The method takes row and column and checks whether the char T exists on the board and if it is diagonal to another T.
If the row = 0 and col = 4 or row = 1 and col = 5 and so on... It is going to fail and throw array out of bounds.
What is the efficient way to get the diagonal to any number in a matrix and avoiding the edge cases?
PS: I am trying to code in Java
I would create a method to get the element, and that returns a default value if coordinates are invalid. Just use a default value to anything but what you search for.
public char getWithDefault(int row, int col, char default ) {
if ((0 <= row) && ( row < board.length) &&
(0<=col) && (col < board[row].length)) {
return board[row][col];
return default;
public boolean isDiagonal(int row,int col){
// arbitrary default value, as long as it is != 'T'
if (getWithDefault(row,col,'1') != 'T') return false;
if (getWithDefault(row+1,col+1,'1') == 'T') return true;
if (getWithDefault(row+1,col-1,'1') == 'T') return true;
if (getWithDefault(row-1,col+1,'1') == 'T') return true;
if (getWithDefault(row-1,col-1,'1') == 'T') return true;
return false;
From your code, I deduced board
is an array of array of char.