I'm trying to pass multiple Values to a SINGLE parameter for example :
I tried the following :
Call<GIFModelMain> getGifsByID(@Field("ids")ArrayList<String> values, @Query("api_key") String API_KEY);
In my activity :
ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<>();
gifCall = interf.getGifsByID(x, BuildConfig.GIPHY_API_TOKEN);
But the built URL is of form:
I looked up similar questions but found no correct answer.
EDIT: As per what TooManyEduardos said i changed my Interface to
Call<GIFModelMain> getGifsByID(@QueryMap Map<String, String> parameters,@Query("api_key") String API_KEY);
And my activity is now :
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
gifCall = interf.getGifsByID(map, BuildConfig.GIPHY_API_TOKEN);
But the built URL is still : 03-30 02:46:23.922: E/FavActivity(21607): Url : api.giphy.com/v1/gifs?ids=7rzbxdu0ZEXLy&api_key=KEY_HERE
You're looking for a
And in your @Get
interface, you'll receive it like this:
(@QueryMap Map<String, String> parameters)
So your whole interface call would be like this:
Call<GIFModelMain> getGifsByID(@QueryMap Map<String, String> parameters);
I wrote a whole tutorial on how to use Retrofit 2 if you want to check it out: http://toomanytutorials.blogspot.com/2016/03/network-calls-using-retrofit-20.html
EDIT If you really want to pass multiple parameters, regardless of their key name, you can always do this:
Call<GIFModelMain> getGifsByID(@Query("api_key") String API_KEY, @Query("ids") String id1, @Query("ids") String id2, @Query("ids") String id3);
The obvious problem here is that you'll have to make multiple versions of the same method depending on how many ids
you're passing