I am using html2canvas and jsPDF to export a div to PDF, is working on Google Chrome , Firefox and IE 11, but in versions 9 and 10 of IE is giving error: ArrayBuffer is undefined.
function exportPDF(relatorio){
var form = $(relatorio);
var cache_width = form.width();
var a4 =[ 595.28, 841.89];
var imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
var imgWidth = 210;
var pageHeight = 295;
var imgHeight = canvas.height * imgWidth / canvas.width;
var heightLeft = imgHeight;
var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm');
var position = 0;
doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);
heightLeft -= pageHeight;
while (heightLeft >= 0) {
position = heightLeft - imgHeight;
doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);
heightLeft -= pageHeight;
function getCanvas(form){
//CONVERT for canvas
return html2canvas(form,{
Have look at this link: http://caniuse.com/#feat=typedarrays
It will show you that ArrayBuffer is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and only supported with caveats in Internet Explorer 10. This means you'll have to modify the code to use something else (this polyfill here for example: https://github.com/inexorabletash/polyfill/blob/master/typedarray.js) or that you'll have to live with your code not working in IE 9 and/or 10.