I am jsut getting to grips with the basics of StructureMap (IoC) and am trying to intergrate the Demo of Brighter which can be found here
With Structuremap within an MVC project.
The issue I am having is working out what to pass into the Structuremap Object factory on build, it is returning
I currently have the following error
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in StructureMap.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Factory Handler
public class SimpleHandlerFactory : IAmAHandlerFactory
public IHandleRequests Create(Type handlerType)
return new GreetingCommandHandler();
public void Release(IHandleRequests handler)
The CommandHandler
public class GreetingCommandHandler : RequestHandler<GreetingCommand>
public override GreetingCommand Handle(GreetingCommand command)
Debug.Print("This is the trace for the command : {0}", command.Name);
return base.Handle(command);
And my Structuremap Dependency Scope
public IHandleRequests<T> GetExecutorFor<T>() where T : class, IRequest
return this.Container.GetAllInstances<IHandleRequests<T>>().FirstOrDefault(); // GetInstance() throws exception if more than one found
And then on the IoC.cs
public static IContainer Initialize() {
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.Scan(scan =>
// x.For<IHandleRequests<IRequest>>().Use<IHandleRequests<IRequest>>();
// So this is where I was going wrong I should of been doing
return ObjectFactory.Container;
Thanks in advance,
To resolve GreetingCommandHandler you would have to register that in your IContainer specifically, because it will not resolve using DefaultConventions.
Should work for you.
For all other concrete implementations, you would have to do the same.