I am trying to schedule a meeting in Skype for Business. I have followed steps as:
But my request is rejected. Reason for rejection from server is :
Service does not allow a cross domain request from this origin.
I am confused on what should be my "X-ms-origin".
Although the following link pertains to UCWA and not UCMA, I believe this is the same issue: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn323658(v=office.16).aspx
Your domain needs to be configured in the allowed list for your web service configuration. An example could be:
$x = New-CsWebOrigin -Url "https://example.com"
Set-CsWebServiceConfiguration -Identity "Global" -CrossDomainAuthorizationList @{Add=$x}
If you've created a web service configuration other than "Global", you can use that one instead. Essentially, the domain where the request is originating from is not authorized.
Hopefully this helps!