I am stuck at what I think is a very simple/common usecase in a Rails web application. I want to use "caches_action, layout:false" and display, from the layout, dynamic tags that will be set by the action (either from the view or the controller).
I could not find any standard rails way to do this as content_for does not work with caches_action, instance variables are not cached (?), and the metatags helper gems that I have tried (metamagic and meta-tags) do not support this usecase.
Is there any way to do this ?
I am using caches_action, layout:false on a SandboxController#show method
class SandboxController < ApplicationController
caches_action :show, layout: false, expires_in: 1.minute
def show
@meta_title = "Best page ever"
The view
We are in show action.
The layout
<title><%= @meta_title %></title>
Debug: <%= @meta_title %> <br/>
<%= yield %>
Thanks !
I found a way to make it work, it's not as pretty as I would like it to be but it helps using caches_action and setting HTML meta tags from the view.
Also, for the record, it seems that this was forgotten and buried deep down in the pipeline, as I did not find any recent mentions of this problem, only that caches_action and content_for together are not expected to work.
Solution: I simply add a before_action to set the meta tags by using as less computation as possible.
class SandboxController < ApplicationController
caches_action :show, layout: false, expires_in: 1.minute
before_action :seo_show, only: :show
def seo_show
@meta_title = "Best page ever"
def show
It's worth noting that it can be used in combination with metamagic gem too.
<%= default_meta_tags && metamagic %>
<%= yield %>
And helper:
module ApplicationHelper
def default_meta_tags
meta title: @meta_title || "Default meta-title of my website"
Hope this helps someone out there !