I'm building a system that needs to use a previously built OTP application (lets call it X). If I want to build a new OTP application / module, how can I use the application that already exists from a module, for instance?
I assumed I could call start
, since it follows the application
behaviour, and so I built a minimalistic application Y that has the following code:
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
io:format("going to call x_app~n"),
{ok, _} = x_app:start([]),
io:format("called x_app~n"),
stop(_State) ->
ok = x_app:stop([]),
Rebar compiles this code successfully and generates no warnings.
rel/y/bin/y start
outputs nothing at all (I hoped to get the output of at least one io:format
rel/y/bin/y stop
outputs Node is not running!
You need to list application x
as a dependent application in your application's .app
resource file, or since you're using rebar
, in your .app.src
{application, your_app,
[{description,"your application"},
{vsn, "0.1"},
{registered, []},
{env, []},
{applications,[kernel, stdlib, x]}]}.
Note in the very last line that x
is listed as an application dependency. This results in the Erlang application controller ensuring that x
is started before it starts your application. And if you're starting your application interactively in an Erlang shell via application:ensure_all_started/1,2
this declaration will ensure that x
is started first before your app starts.