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How to make the connection string available in a N-Tier ASP.NET MVC Core 1.0 App with Autofac

I wired the layer together via autofac modules. Big thanks to endeffects. Here is the HowTo. Now I'm trying to make the connection string available in the DAL layer. I tried to register the:

Configuration (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration)

From the Startup class but without any success.


  • I have the following line in my ConfigureServices method in startup.cs:

    services.AddSingleton(serviceType => Configuration);
    var container = builder.Build();
    var serviceProvider = container.Resolve<IServiceProvider>();
    return serviceProvider;

    Then in my DAL, I access that via constructor injections like:

    public MyDataContext(IConfiguration configurations)

    I can then access that item and pull my connection info like:
