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How to use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] correctly in php?

Lets say i have two pages page1.php and page2.php and i want page2.php to be displayed only if it is redirected form page1.php and i inserted this code to page2.php

if($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == "page1.php")
    //keep displaying page2.php
    //if it is not redirected from page1.php
    //redirect the user back to page1.php 

this code worked fine until i have a form and a submit button on page2.php when the submit button is clicked the page refreshes which means the HTTP_REFERER will change to page2.php so my if statement fails and it takes me back to page1.php i don't want that to happen. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?

Thanks in advance.


  • I wouldn't recommend using HTTP_REFERER:

    1. It's fairly simple to manipulable in browser.

    2. Some users might have security settings in their browser to not send this header at all.

    3. It's not accessible over HTTPS.

    4. Some proxies strip this header from the request

    5. Added - See answer to this quesion

    As Charlotte Dunois stated in the comment, better set session value before sending the form and then check it on page2.


    $_SESSION[ 'display_page2' ] = TRUE;
    //rest of the content


    if ( (isset( $_SESSION[ 'display_page2' ] ) && $_SESSION[ 'display_page2' ] === TRUE ) || isset( $_POST[ 'some_form_input' ] ) ) {
      //keep displaying page2.php
    } else {

    With isset( $_POST[ 'some_form_input' ] ), you can check whether the form has been sent (via POST method).

    When needed, you can unset the session with unset( $_SESSION[ 'display_page2' ] ); or by setting it to different value.