There is a new javascript game.
Programmatically the game consists of: already obfuscated javascript code and big javascript array with a lot of objects and values (several arrays for several levels)
The problem: anybody can get this "already obfuscated javascript code" and change parameters of this "big javascript array with a lot of objects and values" and the game will works in a new manner.
Question: what can I do to force this "already obfuscated javascript code" to work only with "big javascript array with a lot of objects and values", created by me? For example the values of this array/object (generally numbers) should have some "secret" to satisfy a given condition of my javascript - what the "secret" it may be? Or please offer some additional decision?
I understand, that it impossible to solve completely, but I need nice particular decision, it would be better more than one.
A determined user will ALWAYS be able to work around any "security" you try to create. A dedicated user will always be able to obfuscate anything you write.
There are techniques to make this slightly harder, like making a checksome of your objects, then you pass that object and checksome around ... see if anyone has fiddled with the object behind your back.
A dedicated hacker could then calculate a new checksome.
This cat-and-mouse game has been going on with game binaries for DECADES.. at least three decades and they have proven ineffective them.
They will be less-so today.