I am trying to create a macro wrapper around a function so I could make the code more intuitive on reading. Something like instead of calling send_message_to_destination(m, d) to write send(m)to(d).
#include <stdio.h>
void send_data_to(int data, int dest)
printf("Send %d to %d\n", data, dest);
#define send(data)to(destination) send_data_to(data, destination)
int main() {
int data = 5;
int dest = 10;
It is possible to do so? Do you think this would makes the code more readable or intuitive ?
I agree with the comments (not a good idea), however, you can use something like this. Remember the pre-processor just does a text replace with your macros.
#define to(destination) destination)
#define send(data) send_data_to(data,