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Backbone: Rendering Collection View – tagName is ignored

I am having some difficulties rendering a Backbone Collection View.

In my HTML, I have a div with id member-list:

<div id="member-list"></div>

The view used to hold the actual list is called MemberListView:

var Backbone = require('backbone');
var $ = require('jquery');
var MemberListItemView = require('MemberListItemView');

return Backbone.View.extend({
  tagName: 'ul',

  render: function () {
    this.collection.each(function (item) {
      this.$el.append(new MemberListItemView({ model: item }).render().el);

    return this;

Each single item is represented by MemberListItemView:

var Backbone = require('backbone');
var $ = require('jquery');
var _ = require('underscore');

return Backbone.View.extend({
  template: '_.template($("#memberItemTemplate").html())',

  tagName: 'li',

  render: function () {

    return this;

From a parent view, I invoke MemberListView like this:

this.list = new MemberListView({ collection: this.collection });

Unfortunately, the HTML output is not correct, the ul is missing:

<div id="member-list">

I think the problem has something to do with using setElement - probably because there is already el or something like this.

How can I add the <ul> to the output and force MemberListView to not ignore the tagName?


  • return Backbone.View.extend({
      template: '_.template($("#memberItemTemplate").html())',

    Your tempalte seems to be a string and not a tempalte. I am guessing what you want is something like this:

    return Backbone.View.extend({
      template: _.template($("#memberItemTemplate").html()),

    also instead of

    this.list = new MemberListView({ collection: this.collection });


    this.list = new MemberListView({ collection: this.collection, el: $('#member-list') });