Have configured parameter build plugin, to check for build status worst=failure and best=success then execute shell but its not triggering downstream job (it triggers only if upstream is success).
Could you plz suggest what is the best way to trigger jenkins downstream job irrespective upstream job status.
Edit: I think the solution is to not have your upstream job failed in the first place, you can still handle failed downstream jobs with the help of i.e. env. variables or other means.
More information on the exact layout of your job would be helpful, however you can easily define how the result of your downstream job affects the upstream job.
Handy when you have one wrapper job that triggers multiple downstream jobs and to i.e. aggregates some results, you can easily specify how the result of a downstream job affects the wrapper job.
You just need to check the Block until the triggered projects finish their builds to have this option show up.
The aviable options are explained as follows:
This is for chaining jobs to run after another, allowing you to specify the run condition