I am creating a WebGL scene with Three.js and I have the next problem: I am trying to load a .obj model with Three.js, and I want to add a color (blue, for example), to that .obj model, instead of a mtl texture. I try to do this way:
// instantiate a loader
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
// load a resource
// resource URL
// Function when resource is loaded
function ( object ) {
scene.add( object );
But I have the next error that says:
WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: bufferData: no data
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
[.CommandBufferContext]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_VALUE : glVertexAttribPointer: size GL_INVALID_VALUE
How could I correct the error, to load an obj model with blue color?
Thank you so much!
Hey the error seems the vertex points are not there with the file. OBJ file is the simple raw file with
v :::: vertex
vt :::: texture coordinate
vn :::: normal
usemtl ::: define the texture,ka(ambient),ks(specular) and kd(diffused)
try to import your obj into the blender and then export with the triangulated face on like this:
actually if you don't do this the indices appear to you in face4 format like:
0/1/2/3 3/2/4/0 .... so on after triangulation they appear like:
0/1/2 3/2/0 ...
So when you correct your *.obj you can load the file in three parser and add the material to the children.