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Strange behavior with Spring CGlib autowairing?

I am working with Spring MVC application.

I want to create new event:

fill data at page > controller handle this info > saving new event to DB

I have already created DAO layer and repository layer. But at some places, it behaves very strangely. I have created Java configuration for all repositories in the same way.

Here is Repositories Configuration snippet:

@ComponentScan({ "", "" })
@Import({ DatabaseDAOConfiguration.class })
public class ApplicationConfiguration {

    private UserDAO userDAO;

    private EventDAO eventDAO;

    private TicketDAO ticketDAO;

    private AuditoriumDAO auditoriumDAO;

    public AuditoriumRepository auditoriumRepository() {
        AuditoriumRepository auditoriumRepository = new AuditoriumRepository();
        return auditoriumRepository;

    public EventRepository eventRepository() {
        EventRepository eventRepository = new EventRepository();
        return eventRepository;

I have faced strange behavior at the controller level.

Here is controller code snippet:

public class EventsController {

    private AuditoriumRepository auditoriumRepository;
    private EventRepository eventRepository;

    @RequestMapping(path = "add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String addEvent(@RequestParam Map<String, String> allRequestParams) {
       Event newEvent = new Event();
       // get auditorium id from request
       String auditoryIdString = allRequestParams.get("auditorium");
       Long auditoryId = Long.parseLong(auditoryIdString);
       Auditorium auditorium = auditoriumRepository.getById(auditoryId);

AuditoriumRepository is auto-wired fine.
Here is snippet from debug view:

enter image description here

but EventRepository isn't:

enter image description here

Configuration is the same for both. One repository is auto-wired fine, second fails. I am newly at Spring. I can't get a clue why does this happen?

Here is snippet of code from EventRepository:

public class EventRepository extends BaseRepository<Event, EventDAO> {

    private AuditoriumRepository auditoriumRepository;

    public int put(Event entity) {
        return super.put(entity);

AuditoriumRepository code snippet:

public class AuditoriumRepository extends BaseRepository<Auditorium, AuditoriumDAO> {

    public Auditorium preSave(Auditorium entity) {
        return entity;

For saving new event to DB I have to use exactly EventRepository. It fails, of course, with following stack trace:

at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(

I am using spring 4.2.4.RELEASE on Windows 10.


BaseRepository code snippet:

public abstract class BaseRepository<T extends BaseEntity, E extends BaseDAO<T>> {    
    private E dao;

    public E getDao() {
        return dao;

    public void setDao(E dao) {
        this.dao = dao;

    public int put(T entity) {

I can't understand why with the same configuration and repository structure. One instance is auto-wired by Spring fine, but the second one fails. How to find the root of this problem? And some solution.


I have tried recommended solution, and added next setter to EventRepository:

public void setAuditoriumRepository(AuditoriumRepository auditoriumRepository) {
    this.auditoriumRepository = auditoriumRepository;

As log message show this setter is executed. But keep failing for the same reason.

How to solve this issue?


  • i saw your code and the problem is not related to Spring and autowiring process. The problem is in your save method in BaseDAO class:

    public Integer save(ENTITY entity) {
        if (entity.getId() == null) {
        } else {
        return null;

    if you change the metod to return newly inserted/updated entity id it will work fine.

    try to hardcode it just for test :

    public Integer save(ENTITY entity) {
        if (entity.getId() == null) {
        } else {
        return 1;

    and the problem is raised when you return null from save method then you are doing assignment in the EventsController class which is:

    int eventId = eventRepository.put(newEvent); //this is null and throws NullPointerException because you are trying to assign null to primitive variable.