I am getting the following error when trying to read in to a string then two doubles from a file:
Error: no operator ">>" matches these operands operand types are: std::ifstream >> std::string
For the following code:
std::string name;
double mass(0), radius(0), gravity(0);
std::ifstream inFile;
inFile.open("solSystem.txt", std::ios::app);
while (inFile >> name >> radius >> mass)
someFunction(name, radius, mass);
I have used the same code before (std::ifstream >> std::string)
without problem however in that instance the input file had only characters.
This is the input file:
Sun 6.96e+08 1.989e+30
Mercury 2.44e+06 3.285e+23
Venus 6.052e+06 4.867e+24
Earth 6.371e+06 5.972e+24
Mars 3.39e+06 6.39e+23
Jupiter 6.9911e+07 1.898e+27
Saturn 5.8232e+07 5.683e+26
Uranus 2.5362e+07 8.681e+25
Neptune 2.4622e+07 1.024e+26
Pluto 1.186e+06 1.309e+22
Before you answer, I am looking for a solution to this yes, but I also want to know why I am getting this error that I might avoid it in the future.
So anyone who stumbles upon this issue as well can find a resolution.