I've created somewhat of a complicated slider with jquery Cycle. You can see it running perfectly here
However, when you click it a bunch of times (before the slide has finished its transition), it starts to go wacky and even hides the text..
Here is my code:
fx: 'uncover',
pager: '#slideNav',
timeout: '8000',
before: function() {
var dmzTitle = $('.dmzSlideTitle p', this).html() + '<span class="arrow">»</span>';
$('#slideTitle').stop().animate({width: 1}, 1000);
$('#slideTitle p').stop().html(dmzTitle).hide().delay(2000).slideDown();
after: function() {
var dmzTitle = $('.dmzSlideTitle', this);
$('#slideTitle').stop().animate({width: 575}, 1000);
Any ideas? I thought .stop() would remedy this, but it didnt..
Figured it out. Had to set the .slideUp and .slidedown to happen on the callback of .animate()