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Java Mockit : How to Mock a generic class method in JMockit

Hi I have the following classes

public class DataAccessLayer<T> {
  public T getData(Class<?> dataInfoType ,Integer id){
  //Some logic here

public class ServiceLayer{
    //this method has to be tested
     public Integer testingMethode{
         //The following line should be mocked
         UtilClass info =  new DataAccessLayer<UtilClass>().getData(UtilClass.class, 1); 
        retutn info.getSomeFieldWithIntegerValue();

I want to write test cases for testingMethode for that I need to mock the getData() method in DataAccessLayer<T>

Is it possible with jmockit to mock a Template(Generic ) class?


  • A generic class can be mocked the same way a non-generic one:

    public void example(@Mocked final DataAccessLayer<UtilClass> mock)
        final UtilClass data = new UtilClass(123);
        new Expectations() {{ mock.getData(UtilClass.class, 1); result = data; }};
        int result = new ServiceLayer().testingMethode();
        assertEquals(123, result);