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Default link script in GNU Make

I have this very simple makefile:

P = hello_world.exe
OBJECTS = main.o
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O3
CC = clang

$(P): $(OBJECTS)

When I run make it will compile main.c but it will not link to hello_world.exe. Shouldn't that be happening automatically?

My environment is cygwin 64bit.

The output of make -p is here:


  • There's no default rule for .exe files that I'm aware of (or can find in that output).

    You'll need to write one yourself.

    If your output was hello_world and you had a hello_world.c/hello_world.cpp source file and also a main.c/main.cpp file then your makefile as written would work I believe (since the default %: %.o rule would apply and your added prerequisite would be added to the hello_world prerequisite list).