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Clickable image map in Jekyll site

I would like to add a clickable map to my jekyll site on github.

For example, a map of the US which I click to reach an anchor tag containing text related to the state clicked.

An example of what I hope to end up with is at:

There are two different approaches: HTML and CSS.

Are there examples of either for jekyll hosted on github pages?


  • In order to generate an html image-map with Jekyll, you can use collections.

    file: _us-states/

    name: Alaska
    abbrev: AK
    coord: "52,249,42,253,..."
    Your text here

    An you generate your image-map like this :

    <img src="image.png" alt="Us states" usemap="#us-states" />
    <map name="us-states">
    {% for s in site.collections['us-states'] %}
        <area shape="poly" coords="{{ }}" 
              href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ s.url }}" 
              alt="{{ }}" title="{{ }}" >
    {% endfor %}