I have a graphics app that uses a NSTextField instance for in-place text editing, this feature was added long time ago and I never had a reason to check it, however, I have recently received a report: text filed doesn't allow text formatting. Format -> Text menu subitems are all disabled, so there is no way to set the paragraph of a text item.
The question: how should I set up the NSTextField to support paragraph editing? I'm sure it did work before since I have some projects with formatted text and NSTextField was there since the app was born. Did I miss something with system/XCode updates?
My NSTextField is multiline, editable, allowed to edit text attributes.
If someone will face this in the future, I can describe the problem in details:
This results disabled text formatting when using NSTextField.
Solution is to subclass the NSWindow:
@implementation MyWindow
- (NSText *)fieldEditor:(BOOL)createWhenNeeded forObject:(id)anObject
NSText* text = [super fieldEditor:createWhenNeeded forObject:anObject];
if ([text isKindOfClass:[NSTextView class]])
[(NSTextView *)text setUsesRuler:YES];
return text;
And voila, formatting is back.