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appending a zero/ formatting with toString

The instructions are....starting with an empty string test the hours and append a zero to the string followed by the hours when there is one digit in the hours or append the two digit hours otherwise. Use final variable MIN_2DIGITS for your tests and only use the += operator to append the string being created....the code has to go into the comment code goes here close to the bottom, specifically i need to format the time in a way that the entered hours, minutes, seconds in the ##:##:## format

i have tried this so far but it only outputs 00:00:00 when a user enters hours, minutes, and seconds

public class Clock
  private static final byte DEFAULT_HOUR =  0,
                            DEFAULT_MIN  =  0,
                            DEFAULT_SEC  =  0,
                            MAX_HOURS    = 24,
                            MAX_MINUTES  = 60,
                            MAX_SECONDS  = 60;

  // ------------------
  // Instance variables
  // ------------------

 private byte seconds,

  public Clock (byte hours  , byte minutes  ,   byte seconds  )
     setTime(hours, minutes, seconds);

    public Clock (    )

// Version 2

  public String toString()


    final byte MIN_2DIGITS = 10;

    String str = "";

// CODE GOES HERE, what i have below didn't work

 public String toString()


    final byte MIN_2DIGITS = 10;

    String str = "";

           // my input

           if (hours < MIN_2DIGITS)
             str += "0" + hours + ":" ;
             str += hours;
           if (minutes < MIN_2DIGITS)
             str += "0" + minutes + ":" ;
             str += minutes;
           if (seconds < MIN_2DIGITS)
             str += "0" + seconds;
           str += seconds;

         //end of my input 

         return str;


     return str;


}  // End of class definition


  • You were almost there.

    The following method needs to be added.

    public void setTime(byte hours, byte minutes, byte seconds) {
        this.hours = hours;
        this.minutes = minutes;
        this.seconds = seconds;

    Changes to the following method.

    public String toString()
        final byte MIN_2DIGITS = 10;
        String str = "";
        // my input
        if (hours < MIN_2DIGITS) {
            str += "0" + hours + ":";
        } else
            str += hours + ":";
        if (minutes < MIN_2DIGITS) {
            str += "0" + minutes + ":";
        } else
            str += minutes + ":";
        if (seconds < MIN_2DIGITS) {
            str += "0" + seconds;
        } else
            str += seconds;
        // end of my input
        return str;

    The method to test the code.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Clock clock = new Clock((byte) 9, (byte) 10, (byte) 35);