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How to get errors of the file using OTA?

I'd like to access the errors on the active file (.pas). Now a days I can find it on the left side of the IDE, as you can see on image.

I found on OTA the interface IOTAModuleErrors, that seems to be what I want. But I didn't found it on BorlandIDEServices.QueryInterface or BorlandIDEServices.GetService. Someone knows how to access it ?

enter image description here


  • I found it! It was much simpler than I thought, it's just a matter of casting the IOTAModule on the module to IOTAModuleErrors.

    If you want a practical example you can check this project I use on the unit Source/FindUnit.OTAUtils.pas, on function GetErrorListFromActiveModule.


    function GetErrorsListFromActiveModule: TOTAErrors;
      ModuleServices: IOTAModuleServices;
      ModuleErrors: IOTAModuleErrors;
      ModuleServices := BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices;
      ModuleErrors := ModuleServices.CurrentModule as IOTAModuleErrors;
      Result := ModuleErrors.GetErrors(ModuleServices.CurrentModule.FileName);

    Thank you