How can I implement the curl commands given on the official Pushbullet API site into my C# program?
curl --header 'Access-Token: <your_access_token_here>' \
Can I somehow directly write that code into my C# program or do I have do use php?
you can use HttpClient
Here is my simple code snippet to make get/post requests using httpClient
public async Task<T> MakeHttpClientRequestASync<T>(string requestUrl, string authenticationToken,
Dictionary<string, string> requestContent, HttpMethod verb, Action<Exception> error)
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
//// add access token to AuthenticationHeader
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Access-Token",authenticationToken);
HttpResponseMessage response;
var returnVal = default(T);
if (verb == HttpMethod.Post)
response = await httpClient.PostAsync(requestUrl, new FormUrlEncodedContent(requestContent));
response = await httpClient.GetAsync(requestUrl);
var resultString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//// DeserializeObject using
returnVal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(resultString);
catch (Exception ex)
return returnVal;
and call it this way:
MakeHttpClientRequestASync<T>("","your auth token",null, HttpMethod.Get,(errorAction)=>
// do something}