Let me first of all apologize in case I have violated the rules, as I am aware my question has already been asked in a modified way here: Lengauer Tarjan Algorithm in BGL (boost graph library). However, I am (still) unable to use the answer in order to display the result correctly.
To be more precise: I followed the answer linked and have sucessfully applied the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm to my graph (which for convenience is part of the Boost documentation: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/graph/test/dominator_tree_test.cpp). Now, if understand the code correctly the relevant information about the dominator tree is stored in domTreePredMap which is of type PredMap:
const int numOfVertices = testSet[i].numOfVertices;
//See example for test_sets - it just the same routine
G g(
testSet[i].edges.begin(), testSet[i].edges.end(),
typedef graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef property_map<G, vertex_index_t>::type IndexMap;
iterator_property_map<vector<Vertex>::iterator, IndexMap>
vector<Vertex> domTreePredVector, domTreePredVector2;
IndexMap indexMap(get(vertex_index, g));
graph_traits<G>::vertex_iterator uItr, uEnd;
int j = 0;
for (tie(uItr, uEnd) = vertices(g); uItr != uEnd; ++uItr, ++j)
put(indexMap, *uItr, j);
// Lengauer-Tarjan dominator tree algorithm
domTreePredVector =
vector<Vertex>(num_vertices(g), graph_traits<G>::null_vertex());
PredMap domTreePredMap =
make_iterator_property_map(domTreePredVector.begin(), indexMap);
lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree(g, vertex(0, g), domTreePredMap);`
For me one of the main advantages of Boost is the possibility to automatically generated graphical output using graphviz with write_graphviz(cout, g), where g is a graph from typedef G:
typedef adjacency_list<
property<vertex_index_t, std::size_t>, no_property> G;
However, I am unable to translate the DomTreePredMap into something write_graphviz(cout, X) can understand. I appreciate any help outlining how a graph can be constructed from the domTreePredMap, which can be printed using graphviz.
Thank you all for reading all this and helping me out.
Sorry to bother you - I managed to find the answer myself in the boost documentary:
Here is an minimal working example to illustrate my problem. Basically I want to compute the graph (one the left) and its dominator tree (on the right) as illustrated here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/libs/graph/doc/lengauer_tarjan_dominator.htm#fig:dominator-tree-example and print both graphs using graphviz.
Following the example I have managed to compute and print the original graph and execute the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithms on it. The information on the dominator tree is stored in the DomPredMap and can be copied into an integer vector. At position i of the vector idom the id of the parent of node i is stored. If no parent node exists, max_int is stored. This information can be used to add the edges from idom[i] to i to the testSet from which the graph g2 can finally be constructed. Thank you for all your help and patience.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/dominator_tree.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct DominatorCorrectnessTestSet
typedef pair<int, int> edge;
int numOfVertices;
vector<edge> edges;
vector<int> correctIdoms;
using namespace boost;
typedef adjacency_list<
property<vertex_index_t, std::size_t>, no_property> G;
int main(int, char*[])
typedef DominatorCorrectnessTestSet::edge edge;
DominatorCorrectnessTestSet testSet[1];
testSet[0].numOfVertices = 8, //Orignal problem see left hand side
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(0, 1));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(1, 2));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(1, 3));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(2, 7));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(3, 4));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(4, 5));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(4, 6));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(5, 7));
testSet[0].edges.push_back(edge(6, 4));
testSet[1].numOfVertices = 8; //Used to create Dominator Tree
const int numOfVertices = testSet[0].numOfVertices;
G g(
testSet[0].edges.begin(), testSet[0].edges.end(),
typedef graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef property_map<G, vertex_index_t>::type IndexMap;
iterator_property_map<vector<Vertex>::iterator, IndexMap>
vector<Vertex> domTreePredVector, domTreePredVector2;
IndexMap indexMap(get(vertex_index, g));
graph_traits<G>::vertex_iterator uItr, uEnd;
int j = 0;
for (tie(uItr, uEnd) = vertices(g); uItr != uEnd; ++uItr, ++j)
put(indexMap, *uItr, j);
write_graphviz(cout, g);
// Lengauer-Tarjan dominator tree algorithm
domTreePredVector =
vector<Vertex>(num_vertices(g), graph_traits<G>::null_vertex());
PredMap domTreePredMap =
make_iterator_property_map(domTreePredVector.begin(), indexMap);
lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree(g, vertex(0, g), domTreePredMap);
vector<int> idom(num_vertices(g));
for (tie(uItr, uEnd) = vertices(g); uItr != uEnd; ++uItr)
if (get(domTreePredMap, *uItr) != graph_traits<G>::null_vertex())
idom[get(indexMap, *uItr)] =
get(indexMap, get(domTreePredMap, *uItr));
idom[get(indexMap, *uItr)] = (numeric_limits<int>::max)();
for (int k =0; k <idom.size();k++){
if (k>0){
cout << idom[k] << " nach " << k << endl;
int t= idom[k];
testSet[1].edges.push_back(edge(t, k));
G g2(testSet[1].edges.begin(), testSet[1].edges.end(),8);
int jj=0;
for (tie(uItr, uEnd) = vertices(g2); uItr != uEnd; ++uItr, ++jj)
put(indexMap, *uItr, jj);
write_graphviz(cout, g2);
cout << endl;
return 0;