I have a thread-group in a test plan and I want to perform load run using 100 users. My load configuration should have ramp-up and ramp-down of threads like below:
Except that I don't want to run the load for a specific amount of time as marked in the image. Instead I want to run it for 1 iteration/loop of script. It is possible to run for 1 loop using "simple thread group" but ramp-down is not possible. So is there a way to use both ramp-down and number of loops option for execution of load run in Jmeter?
After investigating for a while I understood that there is no point in doing ramp-down while giving the number of loops. For example for 10 threads/users I gave 2 loops. Then after completion of 2 loops the thread/user will be shut-down which is indirectly ramp-down.