And i'm struggling with 3) option without intermediate variables.
let filterStream = Rx.Observable
(filterX, filterY) => {
x: filterX,
y: filterY
.map((filters) => {
limit: 100,
s: filters.x.a,
f: filters.x.b + filters.y.c,
let cheapDataStream = filterStream
.flatMapLatest((filterQuery) =>
// render cheap results
.map(result => transformForDisplay(result))
.subscribe(result => {
// how do i invoke expensiveApiCall() with `filterQuery` data here?
// with a delay, and only if filterQuery has not changed?
You can take advantage of implicit conversion to avoid explicitly using fromPromise
everywhere. Then you could use concat to return first the cheap data immediately, followed by the expensive + cheap data with a delay. By nesting this in a flatMapLatest
the stream will also cancel any pending expensiveCalls
if a new query arrives.
var filters = Rx.Observable
(filterX, filterY) => {
x: filterX,
y: filterY
.map((filters) => {
limit: 100,
s: filters.x.a,
f: filters.x.b + filters.y.c,
.flatMapLatest(filters => {
//This kicks off immediately
var cheapPromise = cheapBackendApiCall(filters);
//This was added in the latest version 4.1, the function is only called once it is subscribed to,
//if you are using earlier you will need to wrap it in a defer instead.
var expensivePromiseFn = () => expensiveBackendApiCall(filters);
//For join implicitly calls `fromPromise` so you can pass the same
// sort of arguments.
var cheapAndExpensive = Rx.Observable.forkJoin(
(cheap, expensive) => ({cheap, expensive}));
//First return the cheap, then wait 1500 millis before subscribing
//which will trigger the expensive operation and join it with the result of the cheap one
//The parent `flatMapLatest` guarantees that this cancels if a new event comes in
return Rx.Observable.concat(cheap, cheapAndExpensive.delaySubscription(1500));
.subscribe(x => /*Render results*/);