I am trying to do something like in Haskell:
mkList start end nb_chunck will output [start, boun1, bound2, bound3 ..., end]
However I don't want to split the list in equal-size chunk but to follow a logarithmic scale.
The C algorithm I want to transform in Haskell is availabke here: How to get a logarithmic distribution from an interval
I don't really know how to do it.
Here's what I have attempted so far:
mkList :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
mkList _ _ _ _ 7 = []
mkList lower upper start end n = [lower, ((fromIntegral (log(2 + (fromIntegral n :: Int)) )+start) * scale)] ++ (mkList (fromIntegral(((fromIntegral (log(2 + (fromIntegral n :: Int)) )+start) * scale)+1) :: Int) ((fromIntegral (log(2 + (fromIntegral (n) :: Int)) )+start) * scale) (start) end (fromIntegral (n+1) :: Int)) where
scale = (end - start) `quot` floor(log(1 + (6)))
However, I can't validate this code, because when I compile, error messages pop up:
No instance for (Floating Int) arising from a use of `log'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Floating Int)
In the first argument of `fromIntegral', namely
`(log (2 + (fromIntegral n :: Int)))'
In the first argument of `(+)', namely
`fromIntegral (log (2 + (fromIntegral n :: Int)))'
In the first argument of `(*)', namely
`(fromIntegral (log (2 + (fromIntegral n :: Int))) + start)'
ghc -cpp: /usr/hs/ghc/7.6.3/bin/ghc failure (return code=1)
I've tried to make use of fromIntegral
at different spots but it didn't help, as seen in other answered questions on StackOverflow.
So I'm asking two things:
, but I can't get rid of this error).you can do something like this to create a log scale intervals
scale k n = map (floor . (*k) . (/(log n)) . log) [1..n]
scale 100 9
and use the indices to partition the array by start/end indices.
You can cast the output to [Int] since floor convert it to an Integral type
Prelude> scale 10 3 :: [Int]
Prelude> :t it
it :: [Int]