I have an HTML button that calls the checkTax()
The function should either confirm and proceed with the form submit when OK is clicked, or cancel the submission and redirect the user to a different page.
This is the function:
function checkTax () {
if ( CUSTTAXRATE == 0 ) {
var r = confirm("Your current tax rate is 0.\n\nIf this is correct click OK to continue.\n\nIf this needs to be adjusted, click CANCEL and visit the quote set up page under DEALER RESOURCES tab.");
if (r == true){
return true;
else {
<!--- return false; --->
I have tried both just cancelling the submission or redirecting it, but I cant get either to work. Both ways still submit the form and proceed. What am I doing wrong??
Make sure you use a return
statement in the button's onclick
<button type="submit" onclick="return checkTax();">Submit</button>
Otherwise, the return value from the function will be ignored, and it won't prevent the form from submitting when it returns false