My Problem:
I have a dataframe consisting of 86016000 rows of observations:
observations for each hour24*7*512000 = 86016000
Given such a large dataset, what I want to do is create subsets of 12288000
(i.e. 24 * 512000
) rows, so that we have 7 each day's subset.
What I tried:
d <- split(PltB_Fold3_1_Data, rep(1:12288000, each=7))
But unfortunately after almost half an hour, I termicated the process as there was no result.
Is there any better solution then the one above?
You're probably looking for seq
rather than rep
. With seq
, you can generate a sequence of numbers from 0 to 86016000 incremented by 12288000.
To save resources, you can then use this sequence to generate temporary data frames and do whatever you want with each.
sequence <- seq(from = 0, to = 86016000, by = 12288000)
for(i in 1:(length(sequence)-1)){
temp <- df[sequence[i]+1:sequence[i+1], ]
# do something here with your temporary data frame